Scientist unravels the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. Discover!

Scientist unravels the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. Discover! Photo: Pixabay
Scientist unravels the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. Discover! Photo: Pixabay

The most famous mysterious creature of Scotland was recently described as a kind of undiscovered sea turtle that got stuck in the Lake. The famous Loch Ness Monster might have been an ancient sea turtle, according to a renowned scientist.

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Professor Henry Bauer’s research suggests that the turtle may have gotten trapped in the Lake when the water levels decreased at the end of the most recent Ice Age.

This period of time was about 12,000 years ago. The American scientist worked at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and does not believe that Nessie was a dinosaur.

He thinks that all potential sightings and descriptions describe turtle behavior, such as breathing out of water but living underwater.

Bauer is 89 years old and retired, but his recent research was published in a respected scientific journal, according to the Daily Record. The publication reported that the expert believes the creatures in Loch Ness have not yet been properly discovered and there may be evidence of a large unknown turtle similar to those living in our oceans today.

He would have explained:

“The most popular idea is that the Loch Ness Monster is related to extinct plesiosaurs.”

“On the other hand, everything that has been described for the Loch Ness Monsters is known among the many species of living and extinct turtles, such as those that breathe air but spend long periods in deep waters and venture onto land very quickly, but move in the water, with the ability to be active in very cold water and had relatively long necks.

“Loch Ness Monsters or Nessies, are a variety yet to be discovered and appropriately described of large sea turtles that probably still exist in some niches in the oceans.”

The Loch Ness Monster is the largest unresolved mystery in Great Britain, with countless attempts to find the mythical figure.

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