Japanese man spends 14,000 euros to become a Border Collie dog

A Japanese man paid R$ 75,000 for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube
A Japanese man paid 14,000 euros for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube

A Japanese man spent approximately 2 million yen (14,000 euros) on a realistic Border Collie costume because he wanted to resemble his favorite dog breed.

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Firstly, the man, identified only as Toko, hired a Japanese company called Zeppet. The company is famous for creating sculptures, costumes, and models for films and commercials.
Then, Zeppet took about 40 days to make the suit, as Toko went through various tests and revisions to achieve what he wanted.

“I made a Collie because it looks real when I put it on,” said Toko in an interview with the Japanese channel Mynavi.

My favorite animals are quadrupeds, especially the cute ones. Among them, I thought that a large animal would be good, considering it would be a realistic model, so I decided to make a dog. I found such a condition and made a Collie, my favorite dog breed.

Next, a Zeppet employee also spoke about how their team managed to figure out ways in which the figure of a dog could correspond to that of a human.

A Japanese man paid R$ 75,000 for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube
A Japanese man paid 14,000 euros for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube

“The issue is that a dog’s skeleton can be reproduced in a human skeleton. As the structure is very different, we spent a lot of time studying how to make it look like a dog. Additionally, we collected photographs taken from various angles so that the beautiful coat of the Collie can be reproduced and crafted to flow naturally.”

Finally, Toko posted a video in his costume, where he can be seen waving his paw and rolling on the ground.

A Japanese man paid R$ 75,000 for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube
A Japanese man paid 14,000 euros for a realistic dog costume. Photos: Reproduction/ Youtube
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